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FOSS4G Europe 2020

FOSS4G 2020
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
UMN MapServer
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
General Information about the release-1900-gdal-3-1-mapserver-7-6.zip package

This package contains all the required files to successfully run MapServer and GDAL related applications on Windows. The files are organized according to the following directory layout:

  • \bin - Contains the common dll files.
  • \bin\gdal - Contains the GDAL related directories.
  • \bin\gdal\apps - GDAL utilities and OGR utilities.
  • \bin\gdal\csharp - Compiled binary files of the GDAL/OGR CSharp bindings.
  • \bin\gdal\java - Compiled binary files of the GDAL/OGR Java bindings.
  • \bin\gdal\python - Compiled binary files of the GDAL/OGR Python bindings.
  • \bin\gdal\plugins - GDAL plugin dll-s.
  • \bin\ms - Binary files of the MapServer related directories.
  • \bin\ms\apps - MapServer utilities.
  • \bin\ms\csharp - Compiled binary files of the MapScript CSharp bindings.
  • \bin\ms\java - Compiled binary files of the MapScript Java bindings.
  • \bin\ms\python - Compiled binary files of the MapScript Python bindings.
  • \bin\ms\plugins - MapServer plugin dll-s.
  • \bin\proj\apps - Contains the Proj.4 related utilities.
  • \doc - Contains package and version information files.
  • changelog.txt - Text file about the package changes.

General Installation Notes

In order to run the utility programs the compiled dll-s should be available to load during the execution. Therefore the PATH environment parameter should contain the full path to /bin directory of the package or the dlls in this directory should be copied into the directory from which the application (executable) is running

Installing the GDAL/OGR plugins

Some of the GDAL/OGR drivers/data sources have been compiled as plugin dlls located in the \bin\gdal\plugins subdirectory. When executing the GDAL/OGR related applications the plugins should be available to load by the driver manager. For this reason the corresponding dll-s should be copied into a \gdalplugins subdirectory from where the application executable is running. As an alternative solution the GDAL_DRIVER_PATH could also be set to point to the location of the plugin dll-s.

Note: When using the Oracle and SDE plugins be sure that the client libraries have been installed in the environment previously.

Using the MapServer plugins

The mapserver plugin dll-s can be found in the \bin\ms\plugins subdirectory. In order to use the plugins you have to modify the mapfile according to the following example:

   PLUGIN "msplugin_mssql2008.dll"
   CONNECTION "server=.\MSSQLSERVER2008;database=geodb;Integrated Security=true"
   DATA "geom from rivers WITH(INDEX(geom_sidx)) USING UNIQUE ID USING SRID=0"

Note: When using the Oracle and SDE plugins (Win32 packages only) be sure that the client libraries have been installed in the environment previously.

MapServer Version Information

The compiled MapServer reports the following version information. (mapserv -v)

Libraries used for the MapServer Compilation

MapServer have been compiled using the following dependent libraries

GDAL Version Information

The compiled GDAL reports the following version information. (gdalinfo --version)

Supported GDAL Formats

The compiled GDAL package reports the following supported formats. (gdalinfo --formats). For more information about the GDAL formats visit: GDAL Raster Formats

Supported OGR Formats

The compiled OGR package reports the following supported formats. (ogrinfo --formats) For more information about the OGR formats visit: OGR Vector Formats

Libraries used for the GDAL Compilation

GDAL have been compiled using the following dependent libraries